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Egg White Veggie Muffins - Ultimate Paleo Guide
Egg muffins are ideal for a quick breakfast on the go. With this breakfast you get protein and vegetables in the morning, which will get your day off to a good start. In this recipe, egg whites - available in most grocery stores - switch this recipe up a bit and make it cute & pretty.
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The Urban Poser:: Street Foods: Vietnamese Cauli-Fried Rice W/Nước Chấm (Grain Free)
Possibly the most universally shared dish in the entire world is fried rice. Almost every culture has some variety of it and the possibilities are truly endless. And so it would seem now that this is even true for those of us who have gone grain free. Yep, you heard that right.
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matcha mochi yogurt pops + hello, brooklyn!
this morning i woke up in brooklyn, in my old apartment, on my old couch.
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Spicy Eggplant and Cauliflower With Basil
Red curry paste provides the heat in an Asian-inspired vegetarian meal. Get the recipe for Spicy Eggplant and Cauliflower With Basil.
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Rum Raisin Ice Cream - Homemade!
Homemade Rum Raisin Ice Cream! But why is the rum gone? (Quick! Anyone know the movie character who says this quote?) So, apparently yesterday was National Rum Day and today is National Soft Serve Ice Cream Day. I think they really do have a national day for everything under the sun.
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Quinoa Chicken Bowls with a Mango Salsa
A bed of quinoa with marinated and grilled chicken breast topped with a fresh and healthy mango salsa. So my husband and I both graduated college together. Granted he was graduating with a Master's degree and I got my Bachelor's, but it was still really fun to graduate with him.
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Blackberry and Orange Blossom Soda
Quench I''m taking a little time off to adjust to life with a newborn, but I have some super talented guest posters stopping in over the next couple of weeks that you are going to love. Next up is Meg from Beard & Bonnet with her refreshing Blackberry and Orange Blossom Soda.
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Make-Ahead Mustardy Quinoa with Sausage, Potato, and Tarragon
This week's lunchbox was borne out of a desire to make and eat my favorite potato salad for lunch, followed by the begrudging conclusion that just potato salad does not a responsible lunch make. So I added some things-handfuls of arugula and a base of black quinoa-to turn a side dish craving into a full-fledged meal.
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Miso Quinoa Pilaf with Grilled Cucumber, Eggplant, and Soy Dressing Recipe on Food52
Last summer I experimented with toasting grains and then cooking them in milk. This gave the grains a pronounced nutty fragrance and flavor that I loved. Last week, with soy on the brain, as I was browning butter for a batch of fiveandspice's Simply Raspberry Muffins, it occurred to me that if I toasted grains in butter, added miso and then cooked them in milk, the nutty quotient might increase.
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Spinach, Artichoke, and Feta Stuffed Shells
Inevitably, December always turns into sweets overload here. Of the 14 recipe posts on the site so far this month, only two have been savory. Are you in a sugar coma yet? What can I say, the holiday season is just so darn short (especially this year with Thanksgiving being late) and I want to share all the goodies I'm making with you!
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