Festivals are like dream worlds within this real one where participants can get lost in a trance of awe, magic, and adrenaline as they experience vividly colorful sights and sounds, the smell and taste of foreign cuisine, and a unique culture.
You'd be surprised by how much can change in only five years. Assuming we're all still here in 2020, the world will more than likely look very different. Everything from technology to climate, to everyday items have the potential to morph into something new or even completely disappear.
Iona St Joseph / BuzzFeed I'm not 7-years-old, therefore it's safe to assume I'm not spelling my name with a lowercase letter. 11. Your childhood was a series of disappointments when you could never find anything with your name on it. So you have to improvise. Check out more articles on BuzzFeed.com!
Chances are you may have seen some of John Holcroft's work before, as many of his thought-provoking illustrations have gone viral in the past. "My self-promotional work gives me a chance to experiment with my style and poke fun at various aspects of modern life and politics," John has written on his Tumblr.
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