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These 5 Websites Are Completely Pointless & You'll Love Them
Imagine an Internet where every picture, including cats and babies, included a beard. Where every new tab you open sounds like a can of pop opening. Where AOL's "You've Got Mail" alert isn't a thing of the past. Welcome to the useless web. Today Cool Websites and Apps takes a break from useful tools that...
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29 Cleaning Products Every Lazy Person Needs
The only downside: it's not cheap. 10. This dog soap that comes pre-loaded into a sponge. For when you're too lazy to even bend over. Get them here. You still have to clean the toilet, but you don't have to clean the toilet brush. Get it here. Clean both sides at once.
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30 Creative Chairs You'll Want So Badly
Matt Duczeminski Matt is a part-time freelance writer trying to make the move to full time, so be prepared to be inundated with articles you may or may not find interesting. Hopefully you do. No, you definitely will. Catch up with me on LinkedIn or Twitter!
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36 Tips To Survive The Hell That Is PMS
Please note that these aren't medical recommendations. Be sure to check with your doctor before starting any kind of treatment. -Aly Noble, Facebook. "Upping my iron intake, especially during the week prior. I'm anemic so this may not apply to everyone, but since you're literally losing blood it might help."
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4 Recipes You Can Make When Your Ex-Boyfriend Comes Over
Maritsa Patrinos / BuzzFeed Maritsa Patrinos / BuzzFeed Maritsa Patrinos / BuzzFeed Check out more articles on!
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Death Of Conversation: 22+ Images Of How Smartphones Take Over Our Lives
I give many a chemical rush when they answer my call, 8-10 Americans believe I am addictive, and I can kill you if I'm misused. What am I? A cellphone, of course! Thanks to cellphones, we are more connected than ever before, but disconnecting is also more painful.
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The home of the best picdumps on the Net.
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Microsoft Will Guess How Old You Are Based On a Photo
Head over to Microsoft's, upload a photo of yourself, and the site will spit out a prediction for how old you are-as well as your gender. Did it guess right? Probably not. But that doesn't mean it's not fun. The website is powered by Microsoft's new Face API, launched this week at the company's annual Build Developer Conference.
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24 Things All Brits Did At School That Would Be Weird Now
(But she never had to force you to eat these) Everyone wanted to be these absolute legends. @MrsMartinMaths put your quotes on the back of my chairs - they got battered on my desks :-) - Just_Maths (@JustMaths) Unless you count business cards, which are way less fun. Fuck you, bleep test.
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